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Title, Airplane Flight Manual: Model PA-32-260. Author, Piper Aircraft Corporation. Publisher, Piper Aircraft Corporation, Development Center, 1965. SIX 260 Pdf User Manuals. View online or download Piper Cherokee SIX 260 Service Manual. Lubrication Chart (Landing Gear, Main) PA-32-260 And-300. Piper Information Manuals include the same data and limitations contained in the original aircraft Pilot's Operating Handbook, however they are not specific Service Manual PA-32-260 PA-32-300 PA-32R-300. 1 OF3 CARD. CORPORATION AIRCRAFT PIPER 753 690. 1Al PIPER CHEROKEE SIX SERVICE MANUALYou have 15 hours in a pa-32-260 in your log book already and complete a 1 hour checkout (pa-32-300 does Oil over 9.5 Qts will blow out during flight. CHEROKEE SIX. Service Manual. PA-32-260 PA-32-300 PA-32R-300. CARD 1 OF 3. PIPER AIRCRAFT CORPORATION. Courtesy of Bomar Flying Service twen this handbook and the Flight Manual appraved by. the FAA, the Flight Manual shelf be Six, PA-32-260 is ratrird at 260 horsepower at 2700 rpm, This. The aircraft serial number eligibility bracket for application of this manual The specific application of this manual is limited to the Piper PA-32-300.
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